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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

PTR: Earning is as easy as Reading

As said before, there are many ways to earn from the Internet, and among them are PTR (Pays to Read) programs. This program is somewhat similar to PTC, the only difference is that instead of clicking ads to earn, you have to read mails. PTC requires a user to visit a PTC site to click on the ads there, however, in a PTR, you will be receiving mails/emails, and you get paid for reading them. Whether where the mail should be read (site or email account) depends to the PTR site. The mails that a PTR site sends usually contains a brief or long message that's about the advertiser, or about special offers, but you cannot earn by just opening the email. You see, a PTR site needs to confirm if you really had read the email. So, what they usually do is that they attach a link on the email. You have to click on this link in order to get credited.

Advantages and Disadvantages

PTR is a convenient way to earn. The only problem with PTR is that the pays are usually not that high compared to a PTC. Moreover, PTR sites sometimes sends dozen of emails, filling up your email account. They could have been branded as spam, if not, for the permission you had given them.

PTR usually pays low, and may not be worth the effort, however, PTR sites compensate this by a no-minimum payout, and with a referral system.

PTR Sites

There are numerous PTR sites on the net, and so far, I had joined three sites - Donkeymails, No-Minimum, and Cash-Hi. Of the three, however, Cash-Hi is the only PTR site that truly paid me without a minimum quota. The two PTR sites also offers no minimum payout, however, you must be using E-Gold, otherwise, you'll have to reach $1 before expecting to get your pay. I won't recommend the two because they may not be worth your time. Besides, I have the feeling that these two sites may be semi-scam (not totally scam but may be guilty of scam).

With Cash-Hi, however, I can guarantee that they pay, and without a minimum...

See proof.

Click on the banner to sign up.

I will be adding more PTR sites here sooner or later. So, check us out every now and then. And oh, by the way, check the side bar of the blog. The most recommendable payment processors are listed there, in case you need one.

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