Scammers never fail to act stupid and to prove how idiotic one can be, they throw another spam with a stupid name for a website., a name taken after one of the vivid imaginations of the scam artists. It really sounds alien-like and it is. We don't know what martian name they named it after, but scammers believe that fooling others and robbing them of their money could suffice for whatever shame they put themselves into. That's how a criminal mind behaves.. but who could blame them? Idiots will always be idiots. So to speak, scammers will always be scammers.
The Scam! is one of Canadian Pharmacy site's dummy links. The site is popularly known in conducting illegal transactions, and it had proven itself time and time again. The spam links doesn't seem to diminish though, and it seems that the crooks still have money to spare. It's a pity though that businesses like these are meant to fall as people become more and more aware of their tactics.
If you see scams like these, just ignore it. We will keep you updated on new links made by the bad guys.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 More Canadian Pharmacy Scam bites the dust!
PTC business just pops out of thin air these days, but some of them vanishes just as fast as they popped up. One of these vanishing sites is A couple of weeks ago, we've seen this site advertised on some PTC sites, including IsabelMarco's. The offers are similar to any standard PTC site, with a $0.01 earning per ad clicked. And while it offers only 50% referral earnings, it compensates it with a low $3 payout, which can be made everyday and are processed through Alertpay in 7-10 business day. Yet, none of it matters anymore, as this site is now officially dead!
This is what the admin of BoostBux leave on the main page before it expires...
BoostBux is officialy Closed...
I tried but I can't run an ADs-only system... It doesn't work as expected and without fund BoostBux will not able to grow again... I am sorry but this PTC closed sooner then others PTCs... but members of BoostBux understand why.
I will not open any other website like PTC...
Reasons of Downfall
As said by the admin, it could not operate with an Ad-only system. It looks like this site lacks upgraders to start with. And so, with the constant strain on payouts, the low number of real advertisers, and the lack of upgraders, the site seemed to have finally worn out. The 50% referral earnings seems not to be much of an attraction afterall.
It's sad to see an honest PTC site gone, but this is how the PTC biz goes. Competition is greater with more and more PTC sites gets added in the mix up, the stakes are higher nowadays, and if you fail to equal in terms of rivalry, you'll also most likely fail to make the cut.
Sunday, April 27, 2008 doubts start to build up!
There were a couple of bad rumors already arising from this PTC giant, and we've noticed some unusual stuff going on in the site ourselves. The shocking revelation revealed to us by's admin about and with the GPTBoycott boycotting this site are reasons enough to put us on Alert Mode. However, note that the said factors has not greatly affected our confidence with the site, but the warning signs we've seen on the site ourselves tell us not to completely trust this site, and that is why we are currently putting this site under further investigation.
From Paypal to Alertpay
Paypal is a trusted entity owned by Ebay, which highly protects its users from fraud. For a site using Paypal, it certainly shows that the site has high standards. As for Paypal freezing's account, it must mean that the site had some unhappy members who reported the site to Paypal. We don't know for sure what that reasons are, but we can bet that they are concerning account upgraders/referral buyers who got their account deleted for some reason. There may still be other reasons, but I'm sure that Paypal is not the type of entity who would just freeze an account without good reason.
The Paypal incident had already delivered a blow on, and this prompted the site to switch to Alertpay.
Cheating Incidents had been reported to have vulnerabilities when it comes to cheating. Some people had reported that the site could be cheated. One cheat allows you to gain more cents, and another regards multiple account creation, thus, ruining the PTC business. This certainly helps pull the site down, however, we still cannot confirm some of these rumors, that is except for the multi-account cheat, which had been proven to us by a friend through an experimental model.
Low Outside Advertisers, and More Site Promotion
We've noticed that has changed in terms of ad availability. We've joined this site as a Free Member since January, and we've seen a lot of outside advertisers the first time we got on this site, however, it seems that there are only a few of them advertising on this site nowadays. The site now shows a lot of site promotional ads that are funded by the site itself. They are still worth 1c each, but the fact that they are funded by the site means a lose for the site, however, we can suffice to say that this move is essential to gain more advertisers, upgraders, and referral buyers, since these are all needed to keep the system running.
We are currently running under Free Member, so we cannot determine if there are more outside advertiser ads, exclusive only for Upgraded Members. We've heard that those who Upgraded gets to see at least 20 ads per day. Maybe had most of their outside advertisers open for viewing only to premium members, unfortunately we could not confirm this possibility.
Delayed Payouts
Payouts are being delayed for more than 2 mos. to some, most especially among the Free Members. We already have a pending payout which is more than 60 days old, and this violates's very own TOS. If they can't pay on time, it means one thing.. they have a problem maintaining the stability of the site. Moreover, not paying on time could mean that they don't have enough funds to pay everybody.
Weighing the good and bad factors
There is no perfect business model existing in this world today. Every business model has its weaknesses and vulnerabilities, so to say, every business always has a tendency to fall no matter how strong it is. had proven itself capable of surviving many trials but this does not mean that they are totally unbreakable.
Now, had provided enough proof that it is a tried and true system and that it works for everyone. There are too many proof from its members that provides substantial evidence for its legitimacy, and so far, only a few ever had any complaints, that is why could still be classified under the legitimate wing. However, we have not received any payments from this site and this is not a good sign for what we believe as a strong PTC site. Moreover, we cannot also deny the possibilities mentioned earlier. With this same reason, we are removing this site from our list of Paying Sites until they show us the money. is closing!
On April 25th 2008, the admin of finally release a notice informing the public that the site,, will be scheduled for closing. He also informed the members of what has been transpiring behind, and revealed some shocking secrets about the PTC business.
He told the public that he had been trying to save the site, and had spent a solid month improving the original $30 Bux script, moreover, he also said that he opened BuxUp to help finance, to prevent it from falling, but, he also admitted that he failed. Thus, he made the decision to close the site for good. However, he did left a Temporary Forum for discussions. He promised to reimburse the money to those who lost out from, while giving those who lost nothing or profited from the site the least priority. He promised to do this using the $3,120 remaining in his account.
As for's failure, he blamed it on the PTC business model. The admin told us that the model used on PTC businesses were not good, furthermore, he told us that the picture that is created for the user is, the ads that the user clicks are funded by advertisers who are external to the site, but that is not the case on 99.99% PTC Sites. He said that most PTC Sites have only one or two occasional outside advertisers, and the site itself funds nearly all of the ads, meaning, the money paid out to the users is from those who pay for upgrades or referrals. He also stated that the first launch on a PTC may seem like the site is doing well, referrals and upgrades are bought in abundance, however, after a few weeks or months, the payment requests start flooding in. The requests eventually amount to more than is being earned by the site, therefore, in the end, the model doesn't work and there are always people who lose out.
The admin of also warned us about, he said that he was glad that never expanded as quickly as He then commented that is a ticking time bomb that is waiting to go off. It is far bigger than any PTC should be.
We have seen how he shown discontent on the PTC business, yet, he contradicted himself by saying that he likes to leave the PTC area, but would keep BuxUp (a PTC site) running. He, however, justified it by assuring that BuxUp will only be featuring ads that were funded by advertisers.
Another good PTC that pays!
Today, I requested for a payout on one of the PTC sites that I joined, namely, Prowling Panther PTC, and received my pay in just a matter of few hours. I found this site in one of my experimental PTC sites, and after reading some testimonial from a member, I also give it a try.
It took me several days to reach my payout but I must say, it's worth it. Just this evening, I got an email, informing me of a $1.01 deposited on my Alertpay Account. I opened my Alertpay account to verify, and it really is there. Here's the proof..
Alertpay, however, charges a small fee, so I was left with 70+ cents, Oh well.. At least, Prowling Panther PTC did kept its part of the bargain.
What this Site is all about?
Prowling Panther is a PTC/PTR site offering ads worth $0.0025 - $0.005 PTC ads, $0.003 - $0.006 PTR ads, and some points which you could convert to advertising points. The minimum payout for this site is $1.00 via Alertpay.
This site also offers a 50% Referral Earnings for Free Members (Higher for Upgraded Members). It has an anti-cheat system just like CoinMachine, and seems to be using the same script as well, with a bit of slight modifications.
As a Free Member, I could earn a bit faster here compared to CoinMachine. That is maybe because the ads here are worth a bit higher, and you can find a bit more of em. Currently, it has 2000+ members, and seems to still increase in number. It's a good site and I could recommend it because it is among the legitimate.
Feel free to give it a try, and if you wanna thank me up for letting you know this, please sign up as my referral. This is a small sense of gratitude in exchange for a valuable information that I shared. ;)
Sign Up for a Prowling Panther Account
Sign Up for an Alertpay Account
Paid by CoinMachine for the Third time!
One of the trusted paying PTC sites, has paid me for the third time... here's my proof...'s admin Josh Rodarte is truly a man of his word, he also happens to be one of the outstanding individuals who certainly know how to handle their customers. And with a good name, a good reputation, and a wonderful admin, this site is sure to flourish; all it needs is time and some promotion. And, as long as this site keeps its record straight, you can bet I'll help promote this site, which I am actually currently doing right now.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Bee-Gold Clix got hacked!
We have some sad news from the PTC industry.. We've heard that one of the legitimate PTC sites, Bee-Gold Clix, got hacked just this April 24th.. The perpetrator was said to had managed to pass through Bee-Gold Clix's defenses through a back door found on Bee-Gold's script.
The script used on Bee-Gold Clix was the YourOwnBux script, the script that had been rumored to have holes in it. This script was sold at a cheap price, and although the owner assured the public that it has been fixed, the incident that got Bee-Gold hacked shows that it's still faulty.
As for Bee-Gold Clix, the admin better make it a priority to reimburse those who lost money on the site as it was his responsibility. However, with Bee-Gold's funds stolen and transferred to the hacker's account, the owner finds it prudent to shut down the site for the time being. The owner says that the site will be back, and if that is the case, the future profits should be used for such an event to slowly make its way out of debt. More thrash from the Canadian Healthcare Spammers
Using an email spoofing technique, and pretending to be Microsoft Corporation, the spammers behind the illegitimate site Canadian Healthcare is at it again with another scam site named
But when traced...
Domain Name:
ROID: 20080425s10001s03615736-cn
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registrant Organization: N/A
Registrant Name: snup alekson
Administrative Email:
Sponsoring Registrar: 广东时代互联科技有限公司
Registration Date: 2008-04-25 01:01
Expiration Date: 2009-04-25 01:01
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: Korea, Republic of
Website Status: active
Server Type: Apache/2.0.58 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.58 OpenSSL/0.9.7f PHP/4.4.7
Cache Date: 2008-04-26 12:12:09 MST
From South Korea? So, there you have it folks.. more scam from the stupendous hordes of scammers.
Friday, April 25, 2008 Newly discovered Scam
I enjoyed receiving spams lately due to my eagerness to bust them right up, and reveal their nasty tricks to the public. This month alone, I have added a dozen of them into the scam list. The scams vary from PTC sites to Online Pharmacies and Paypal Phishing sites. Most of them poses no potential threat but a considerable number of them could be quiet remarkable.
The fake Online Pharmacies composes most of the spam mails circulating the net today, and I have caught some of them. Canadian Pharmacy, Canadian Healthcare, and just recently, I find something new.. Canadian Health&Care Mall.
Actually, this is not new to others, but this scam had somehow finally found its way into my spam mail (my net) the first time around, and that's why they are busted here on my blog. And here, is where I am going to reveal their modus operandi..
The Scam Antics
This site uses fake license, fake doctors, fake address, and of course, faked or no drugs at all! In other words, this site is nothing but pure garbage.
The "About Us" section of this site includes a heartwarming description of its beginnings as a "store of so-called 'useful things,'" written in rather clumsy English. They brag about selling "medication of the best possible quality, licensed and working." But with a fake license, we can conclude what kind of drugs they are selling..
The doctors they use on their page are also not real members of the site. They are pictures taken from according to
The addresses they use are also a piece of their mambo jumbo, as according to Google Maps, there are no such offices on the locations they pointed out on their site.
The seals they use on this site also mean nothing. Note that non of these agencies approved them, they just made it up to make their site, at least, look legitimate when in fact, it's not.
Finally, the site uses fake registrations by using other people's names or made-up names to register the site. And as you can see.. no part of the site is real.. they are fictitious imaginations of the crazy scam artists that are desperate enough to make money, thus, using the lamest of all ways!
See Report
Domain Name:
Status: clientDeleteProhibited, clientTransferProhibited, clientUpdateProhibited
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-03-15
Creation Date: 2008-03-15
Last Update Date: 2008-03-15
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: China
Website Status: inactive
Cache Date: 2008-04-25 02:34:53 MST
Compare Archived Data: 2008-04-08
Busted! Lousy name for a Lousy Business
This is another one of those Canadian Healthcare scams that had been promoted by the guy known only as snup alekson, the same idiot who promotes It appears that this registrant had created more than one Canadian Healthcare websites with different domain names that sounds as stupid as the registrant himself/herself.
Domain Name:
ROID: 20080425s10001s03599035-cn
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registrant Organization: N/A
Registrant Name: snup alekson
Administrative Email:
Sponsoring Registrar: 广东时代互联科技有限公司
Registration Date: 2008-04-25 01:00
Expiration Date: 2009-04-25 01:00
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: Korea, Republic of
Website Status: active
Server Type: Apache/2.0.58 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.58 OpenSSL/0.9.7f PHP/4.4.7
Cache Date: 2008-04-25 02:19:27 MST
What can I say, they never ran out of lousy names for their lousy businesses... Canadian Healthcare Spam/Scam
Spammers and scammers never run out of fresh domain names. They invested their money on something that can harm their fellow, that is why we should try to put a stop to this by not patronizing their products. Unfortunately, many still falls to the same scam trick, and this mistake, helps refinance the dirty scam industry, that is why we never cease to encounter these nonsense.
Among the spam links promoted by Canadian Healthcare is One of the websites use to sell illegal, unlicensed products. They claim to be a Canadian online pharmacy, when in fact, they are actually from Asia.
Domain Name:
ROID: 20080425s10001s03609438-cn
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registrant Organization: N/A
Registrant Name: snup alekson
Administrative Email:
Sponsoring Registrar: 广东时代互联科技有限公司
Name Server:
Name Server:
Registration Date: 2008-04-25 01:01
Expiration Date: 2009-04-25 01:01
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: Korea, Republic of
Website Status: active
Server Type: Apache/2.0.58 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.58 OpenSSL/0.9.7f PHP/4.4.7
Cache Date: 2008-04-25 02:01:19 MST
Do not patronize this product, and do help spread the word about this website. We can help kill these scammers by draining them of their lifeblood - Money. If they don't sell, they don't earn, if they don't earn, they don't have money, and if they don't have money.. their business is going to die!
Thursday, April 24, 2008 got bombed!
You may wonder why adverbux is gone, they seem to have been lagging pretty badly.. At first, I thought they were just having site maintenance, but to my horror, it's actually far worst than that.
Just recently, I got word from SeanyBob himself, the owner of Adverbux. He announced it on the Adverbux site and told us that the site had been under DOS (Denial of Service) attacked by still unknown suspects.
At first, Seanybob thought that it was nothing bad, just a large number of users on at the same time, but he found out just this morning that what actually was occurring was a crude DOS attack. The adverbux server was overloaded. In addition, once he got most of the services on the server restored, he found that the database had been badly corrupted, as have several of the backups that he stored on the server.
He further told us that such an attack could obviously had been planned well, and were instigated by skilled hackers.
Seanybob ordered a new server, which will be set up within a few days, depending on the company he got it from. He ensured that this server is many times more powerful than the previous server, strong enough to blunt such attacks. As for the database, he's currently trying to recover what files he can salvaged. He do have some several backups saved on his laptop, but unfortunately, they are not the most recent. He, however, promises to recover whatever information he can from the server. He said that all is not fully lost, and there are several more tricks he haven't tried yet. He may be able to recover the files from a couple of hours before the crash.
Got Paid by DonkeyMails
Today, I got paid by DonkeyMails, a PTC/PTR site that I have been a member for 1-2 months now. This site had been around for 3 years already, probably one of the old running PTC/PTR sites out there. Their method of earning/advertising are somewhat classical, still, we cannot argue the fact that they are one of the old running legitimate sites that are still supported by Paypal.
I had been clicking on their PTC ads, and reading their PTR emails tirelessly with only one referral, whose activity is not even good, but despite of that, I still manage to reach payout. I gotta say this, my hard work for this site is well-deserved. Here's a proof of my payment.
How long did it took me to reach payout? About 1 1/2 - 2 months, anyhow, they have beaten the other PTC sites (such as when it comes to payments.
The Classic System used by DonkeyMails
DonkeyMails uses a classic PTC/PTR system that had been around since 2 years ago, and they seem to stick to it. However, their system is one of the most stable, despite the fact, that it's not that profitable compared to the new system employed nowadays.
Their PTC ads is worth $0.0001 - $0.01, and this kind of puts Paypal users at a disadvantage since most of the PTC ads are worth only around 0.01 cent and 0.1 cent, meaning, it's going to take you a lot of effort and time to reach your $1 payout, but if you're E-Gold, you can request for a payout anytime. Bottom line is, it's really going to take a lot of hard work. Fortunately, DonkeyMails had more offers that could compensate for its weak PTC-earning potential. The PTRs DonkeyMails sent you is worth fair enough, somewhat around $0.0025 (0.25 cents) - $0.01 (1 cent). This seems to be where they are really good at, thus the name, DonkeyMails. They have also other good offers for advertisers, Point to Click is one of them, since this allows you to earn points and use it for advertising even without actually buying. Moreover, they also offer an upgrade in exchange for points, so if you're a good clicker, you're really going to enjoy this site. There are also Paid to Promote, Paid to Review, etc. offers, just look around the site, and see if you can find something to your advantage.
Final Word
I have to admit that I judged this site poorly on my first reviews, and even if I had to be an ass for sticking to this old site, I'm still going to take my chances, now that I know they are truly legitimate.
Sebas Broekhof, the owner of DonkeyMails is truly an honest man, just like what others say. Nice lookin' Scam
A-N-Cash is one of the scam sites created to lure people and turn them into virtual slaves. And although the site looks cool, I advise you not to trust the looks, moreover, if they say "What are you waiting for? Join us. 18,820 members can't be wrong", don't believe em'. Sure, 18,000+ can all be wrong, and you can add up to that number if you're not careful.
How to spot the Liar?
• FREE Membership
• All Emails Worth $200
• $2000 signup bonus
• No downline required for payout!
• $200 per direct referral BONUS
• Redemption page start from only $15000!
• We send redemptions with 48hours!
• All honest member will be paid
• Payments are made via PayPal, eGold
• Receive eMail on the best products
• Receive eMail on the best opportunities
• International Members are Welcome!
• 6 Ref levels of commission under you
Level 1- 25%, Level 2- 20%, Level 3-15%
Level 4- 10%, Level 5- 5%, Level 6- 5%
Pretty cool offers. It looks like you'll going to instantly get rich when you join this site, but don't get your hopes too high coz this site is gonna suck you in for it. To spot the lies, I suggest you check on the advertising packages that are offered by this site..
One of the offers for advertisers is this: $500 solo paid email to US/CA/UK/AU (40 second timer) for $1.00. They will pay you $500 for a solo paid email that cost an advertiser a mere $1? Give me a break here! You should see that this business is highly unstable, and it looks like it was intentionally made to operate this way, of course, this is a scam business, and it's designed to promote spamvertisers, phishers, and hackers (Their Advertisers). Don't trust this one!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 A Scam with a suspicious script! is a pyramid/ponzi site run by one of the baddest low-ranking individuals of Cyber World! The gay.. er I mean, guy, is only known as alias Phil Piccolo. He is an artist.. not a musician nor a painter, however, but a scam artist! He goes under different names.. Johnny D' Angelo, Felix Angelo, Joseph Stevens, and Jim Spellacy to name a few. He also happens to be the man behind many scam sites including MLM Bank,, OneSource, Magic Shower, PowerHealth, PrivatePage,, and many others. He is, in fact, referred to many as "The one-man Internet Crime Wave" or "The Man You Can't Trust", to us, however, he is just another scammer who's about to be jailed for his notoriety.
So, what do you call a site who offers big, but run by a scammer? What else.. A Scam site, and the fool behind it had proven it time and again that he's not worthy of even a little bit of trust.. you see, what he always do is open a business, spam people, talk crap, get people to join, convince people to invest, and at the end, run away with your money! He has done this many times already, and for sure he'll do it again with DubaiMLM!
This Site is dangerous!
Other than the loads of crap you'll find on the site, you'll also get a mysterious present.. an unknown script that can crash your browser (Firefox), it already crashed mine many times already! It appears that the nut behind this site is not contented with just crushing people's hopes and dreams, but also plans to steal your private information as well for whatever purpose it may serve him! What a pig!
This site is currently advertised on some PTC/PTR Sites, and it so happened that you can also find it on DonkeyMails as one of the 1 point PTC ads. A warning to those who spot this site.. do not open it! It has some unknown scripts in it! From Legitimate to Scam?
Is a scam? This question had been asked over and over again by members after noticing some unusual changes on the said site.
At first, this site was, an incentive-based advertising system, similar to From, they switch to, and kept its good reputation, until early this year. It began when the site failed to meet its promise of payment, scheduled to be release on a certain date in February 2008. Of course, this made members mad, and help ignite the doubts on its reliability. The problem was only solve when the admin returned from a long vacation. They then promised to keep up next time, and avoid these kind of situations in the future, furthermore, they vowed to improve the site and asked the members to say something good about it. All went well for a few more days, until the site refused to pay the members again due to reasons of fraud, and demanded its members to submit identity information for authenticity. This, however, was viewed as an attempt to steal identity. And so, the site was once again flamed with controversy.
The constant troubles had really tried this site, eventually resulting to the lost of its members trust. The effects were not instantaneous, but this site's activity had gradually decreased, and the site was thrown into instability. And although the site manage to fix the problems, the site's once glorious history were already tainted. Up until now, the site still failed to meet its promise of improvements, in fact, it had only gotten worst. Now, there were reports of members who bought referrals but never got them, and pending payments that were never paid, moreover, the admin no longer replies to inquiries both in contact information, and the forum. There were also angry members who cursed and mocked in vulgar words, unmoderated in the site's forum. The ad went from eight to one, and it only advertises (the script used by, and until recently, NONE AT ALL!, A Scam?
This site is still currently under advisory, however, the deafening silence that surrounds the site is very unsettling and suggests that the site is already a potential scam! However, until it is confirmed, we will keep a close eye on this one.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 More Pharmacy Express Scam! is another Pharmacy Express scam. This dirty business tries to thrive by promoting their lousy products through spam (unsolicited email), an illegal way of sending mail repetitively to a recipient who does not give consent. Moreover, this online store had been one of the many notorious sites that are positive for swindling their customers.
Site Information
Domain Name:
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-01-09
Creation Date: 2008-01-09
Last Update Date: 2008-04-17
Name Servers:
It uses the same host as with the other Pharmacy Express scam domains such as Why so many domains? Simple, because it is scam, and it has to somehow disguise itself so as to not get noticed.
How to stop these Scams?
The only way to stop these scam/scammers is to stop patronizing their product. Do not buy anything from them, and report them to any Internet anti-spam/scam organization. By doing this, you can make a difference!
Monday, April 21, 2008
IncomeBux Webspacemania to
After a lot of criticisms regarding the said site (See Old Post), the site had finally bought a domain name of its own, and is now The transfer, however, was without word (know that IncomeBux Webspacemania had no forum), so basically speaking, they had thrown some of their members into a whirl of confusion. Imagine, they shut the domain Incomebux Webspacemania, and transferred to without even announcing it? On top of that, they seem to had already forgotten my pending payout at $1.
There were unpaid members!
We still don't know this for a fact, that is since, I quited the site earlier, however, I found some reports from unhappy members who never got their pay from the said site (See PTC Talk Forum), on the other hand, there were also people who claimed to have been paid by the site. is rather in a mess right now, and we don't know what is going on behind the scene. However, they seem to have drop Paypal from their list of Account Processors (the one I used to request payout), and had incorporated Alertpay, Egold, and MoneyBookers into their system. If they are having some problem with the Account Processors, then you can expect a long payout process, or possibly, you won't get your money., right now, stands in-between the line of scam and legitimacy, to where it will eventually fall, only time will tell. Sexy Hot Scam
The domain name may tempt you to click on it but don't! This same old school spam/scam technique will redirect you to a scam site known as Pharmacy Express, the site that sells unapproved products. Moreover, this site is hosted on the same scammer's host BEIJING INNOVATIVE LINKAGE TECHNOLOGY LTD. The same host used by (see Article).
Note that these sites are positive scam sites, offering cheap meds straight from India! There are no money back guarantees, and we have heard reports of people complaining about receiving improperly packed meds, or not receiving anything from scam sites like these. Moreover, they also claim that the products were from India! There's no coincidence to this, it simply shows that this site belongs to the same scam group that had been engaging on dirty business for quiet some time now.
Sunday, April 20, 2008 Where are the Newsletters?
Another spam got caught in our web. This notorious website has been spamming the boards, blogs, forums, and emails for a quiet a while now, and it's surprising that they manage to break through search engine filters. The name of the site is, however, the site is not about newsletters, but cheap medications. The same medication scam that had been circulating the Internet since the founding of the scam dynasty.
Here is a screen shot of the site:
We cannot find any supporting evidence to mark this site as scam but the fact that it spams to promote its product, sells cheap (unreliable) meds, and lacks the necessary (legal) information on their site, are enough for us to consider it a scam threat.
We urge everybody not to tolerate businesses like these so to prevent them from thriving. Believe me, you won't want your email filled with crap, courtesy of these idiots.
Who is?
Domain Name:
Status: ok
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2008-11-14
Creation Date: 2007-11-14
Last Update Date: 2008-01-13
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: United States
Website Status: active
Server Type: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) PHP/5.2.5 mod_jk/1.2.25 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.31 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
Alexa Trend/Rank: 1 Month: 3,348,422 3 Month: 4,617,520
Page Views per Visit: 1 Month: 1.5 3 Month: 1.4
Cache Date: 2008-04-21 00:15:51 MST
New Phishing Scam Alert!
A warning to those who are using Paypal Account Processor, there is a new Phishing Scam wandering the net once again. Surprisingly, this spam managed to penetrate my Email service's filter and get into my Inbox. This could happen to you too, and may make you think that it is from Paypal.. here is the message contained in the spam..
Note that the header is not Paypal but Paypai.. They claim that my Paypal account was suspended (the same garbage talk!), and that they require me to verify my account by logging into the site. Within the message is a link to an unknown url hidden underneath the domain name, a password-protected domain, this is where the Paypal lookalike can be found.

I tried a dummy account, and surprisingly, it let me in.. odd, I must say! The thieves, however, are not contented with simply stealing your Paypal Account, they intend to steal more information, including your name, address, birthday, credit card information, etc. When you log in, they show you this message..

After this message, they provide you with a form to fill up. This form takes all the information regarding you and it will be obtained by the scumbags (whoever the hell they are).
Domain Information
Domain Name:
Status: clientDeleteProhibited, clientRenewProhibited, clientTransferProhibited, clientUpdateProhibited
Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-01-30
Creation Date: 2007-01-30
Last Update Date: 2007-03-20
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: United States
Website Status: active
Server Type: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) PHP/4.4.8 mod_throttle/3.1.2 FrontPage/ mod_psoft_traffic/0.2 mod_ssl/2.8.31 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
Cache Date: 2008-04-20 14:19:46 MST
It's definitely not paypal! Don't fall for their trap.. they are going to steal your money, to the extent of stealing your identity.
How to avoid?
Do not be so trusting of your Email service filter, sometimes, spam has a nasty way of breaking through your defenses. If so, then you should always check the header of the mail to verify who was the sender. Moreover, Paypal does not suspend accounts for reasons like the one provided by the morons of the web. If you didn't do anything illegal, then there is nothing to worry about your account.
Do not click on the links contained within the spam mail as this will redirect you to the scam site. Furthermore, you should immediately report any Phishing scams to any Internet law enforcement agencies, so to stop this menace. By doing your part, you can help stop these hoodlums, and prevent their lame way of making money from gaining ground.
Yuwie Attack Blunted!
Just recently, Yuwie, one of the fast growing Social Networking sites, had been attack by a generic virus that attacked thousands of websites over the last few days. The virus managed to penetrate Yuwie through a security hole in the system, this allowed the virus to penetrate the Club message boards, and destroyed some Club forum topics. Fortunately, Yuwie has enough security measures in place on the front end, so no users were infected by the virus.
The system has now been patched to stop the entry of the malicious program, however, it seems that some Club board posts that were made over the last 30 days were totally lost. Yuwie is now trying its best to restore what was damaged, and doing everything in their power to protect its users. More LNH Solution Spam
Just an update.. the well known scam site LNH Solutions has taken another domain name (they never run out of domain names), the domain name that was recently discovered is, I don't know what it means, but it's a clone of the LNH Solutions site that sells bogus products.
Well, it's sure to get blacklisted again for Internet abuse.. It looks like these crooks never learn.
Site Information
Domain Name:
Status: ok
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-04-17
Creation Date: 2008-04-17
Last Update Date: 2008-04-17
Name Servers:
Same host, same scam.. Stay tuned for more update on this pathetic scam site that's popular for its failure to thrive.
Friday, April 18, 2008
From to
Some of you may have wondered why, a sister site of TitanCash Network, suddenly disappeared and stayed down for several days. Well, know that it has nothing to do with scam.. the admins of had announced this move earlier for reasons that the site will be undergoing some changes, including transfer of ownership. Apparently, the said site had been struggling to keep the site from collapsing, and so as not to damage the reputation and name of TitanCash Network, had finally decided to sell the script to anyone interested. The buyer was Hamza, who intended to put the site to good use and continue paying members.
At first, there was a misunderstanding between Hamza and the TitanCash Network, fortunately, the two settled it by joining forces until all problems within the site are solved, only by then will TitanCash leave Hamza to deal with the rest.
When Ubux resurfaced, it was no longer It seems that it has change its domain to The site resembles the former design but with added improvements. The buttons are now better, the logo changes from to, and there were additional plugins put in place. The site still maintains the 10+ ads to click, each ad is still worth $0.01 per click, it still supports referral earnings, and there is now a new offer featuring Hamza's Securebox script sold for $20 (for those wanting to start a PTC business.)
Did you know?
After the transaction Hamza reported that he was told there were debts of only $3000 in payout requests when in fact there is $6000+ to be paid. Of course this caused a bit of a battle between Hamza and the TitanCash network. Hamza felt he had been mislead into a bad deal losing $500 where as TitanCash thought they had kept to the contract that the site was sold under. The next day it turned out that the two had come to an agreement that it was a combination of misunderstanding.
It now stands that they will both work at bringing the site back up to speed in order to pay the members and then Hamza will be the one responsible for the site with no further help from TitanCash. The great thing about this outcome is that the members don’t lose their money after all which is the most important thing. There is no reason to have your faith shattered in the PTC industry over this site now. Alias Pharmacy Express
Spams had increased significantly during these past few days, and it looks like the crooks had been more active in promoting their lousy product for their dirty businesses. Another one caught in my garbage can is This site sells the same Viagra crap that had been promoted by Canadian Pharmacy and Canadian Health Care Fraudsters. We highly suspect that this is the work of the same syndicate that had been pathetically terrorizing the net since 2004. I urge anybody reading this blog to not support this bunch of parasites, unless you want them to continue scamming people using the net.
Some of the doubtful info on their site
1. Q: What does Generic stand for?
A: Generic means using a different name for the same ingredients. The contents of the pills are absolutely the same in our generic version and the branded analogue.
(Wrong answer, Generic name is an international non-proprietary name for a drug. Meaning, this name is the universal name of a particular drug as far as approved drugs go. What this site means is Brand Name!)
2. Q: Why is your product so cheap?
A: There are a number of reasons for that. We do not spend anything on marketing, there are no taxes to be paid as the product come into the country unregistered, the manufacturer is located in an offshore zone and the production costs are way lower. No child labor is used.
(No taxes? Unregistered country? They said it themselves.. No Taxes plus Unregistered Country means that they are selling Illegal Products. Moreover, cheap always mean unreliable product!)
3. Q: Why does the name printed on the pill differ from the branded one?
A: The name you see printed on the pill in the active ingredient used here. The contents of the generic pills are absolutely the same as those of the branded versions. The difference is in the name only. The manufacturers of generic drugs cannot use the brand names on their pharmaceuticals as that would be the breach of copyright while using the well known ingredients is absolutely legal.
4. Q: Why does the shape of the pill differ from that of the branded one?
A: The shapes differ for exactly the same reason as listed in the question above. The shape of the pill is the intellectual property of the manufacturer and reproducing it will qualify as the breach of copyright as well.
5. Q: What is the difference between Soft and Regular tabs?
A: The difference lays in the speed of action (Soft tabs act faster than the Regular ones) and in the zone of absorption. Soft tabs dissolve under the tongue that allows you to take alcohol or eat fatty foods prior to the sexual intercourse, with regular tabs drinking is strongly not recommended.
(No Proof, Health Hazard!)
6. Q: What is the package like?
A: The pills come in one or more blister packs containing 10 pills each. All orders under 60 pills are shipped in one package. Large orders can be split in 2 packs and come in 2 separate envelopes. The second part of a large order is dispatched in 3 days after the initial one.
7. Q: Will you be offering other products in the future?
A: If you need a product which is not mentioned at our site, you can let us know of the product you are interested in and we will try our best to add it to our list as soon as possible.
8. Q: Are the products you offer FDA approved?
A: The products we sell are manufactured and shipped from India. All of them are approved by INDIAN FDA for export.
(Standards should be based on a thorough research study. There is no proof that they were approved by any Food and Drug Agency.)
1. Q: What areas you send orders to?
A: We ship orders to any address of the world.
(Wow, even without clearance? Sounds like smuggled goods!)
2. Q: What are the shipping methods?
A: We can offer 2 shipping methods at the moment.
1) Trackable Courier Service: the packages sent by this postal service can by tracked by the tracking number supplied after the order is shipped. See Tracking Your Package for details.
2) International Unregistered Airmail (Unregistered? Meaning, buyers are at risk of losing the product? That's nice.)
(Now, the question is.. will your product arrive? Sorry, no guarantees for Illegal products!)
3. Q: What are the shipping rates?
A: The shipping rates vary depending on the carrier you choose and on the quantity of products in your order.
(Would you believe.. no costs at all? BOGUS!)
4. Q: What is the delivery time?
A: All the products we sell are in stock for immediate delivery. However, we need about 1-2 working days to process an order.
Trackable Courier Service: The delivery time depends on the destination country. Usually, it takes about 7-9 days for a package to be delivered. Remember, the time frame of your order's delivery begins AFTER we ship your order, not from the time you placed your order. After the parcel is sent out, it gets a tracking number and can be tracked. See Tracking Your Package for details.
IMPORTANT! We will not be able to send your order by Trackable Courier Service if you specify a PO box in your shipping address or if you give us a wrong telephone number.
International Unregistered Airmail: The delivery by International Unregistered Airmail takes about 10-19 days (3 weeks is the maximum the delivery may take). The parcels sent by this postal service cannot be tracked.
5. Q: What if my order is delayed at customs?
A: In case your order is delayed at customs, they inform you of that. They ask the recipient to come and give them a permission to open the parcel. At this point it is examined and given to you. If you have any problems with getting your order, please let us know and we will try to resolve the problem.
(Oh, really? What makes them think that the authorities will cooperate with crooks?)
6. Q: What am I to do if the package is damaged when I receive it or if it is missing?
A: In this case you are to contact our support team and notify of the problem. We will either resend the package or refund your payment. See our Our policies section.
(No guarantees for an Illegal Product!)
7. Q: How much will I have to pay if you reship the product?
A: We will reship the product free of charge. No additional charges will be placed.
(Sweet.. however, no guarantees for an Illegal Product)
Tracking Your Package
Mind that only the orders sent by Trackable Courier Service can be tracked. To track your package you are to obtain your tracking number by clicking Track My Order section. In this section you will find the information of how to track the order and the carrier contact information.
If your order was sent by International Unregistered Airmail, click on Track My Order to check the status of your recent order.
1. Q: How safe is ordering from your site?
A: We have outsourced Credit Card processing to the world wide known processor MyPaySystems. When you are in the final check out mode you will be transferred to the site of the online processor that ensures the Fort Knott security of your all transactions.
2. Q: Can I pay by other methods? Do you accept cheques, Paypal, cash?
A: Unfortunately we accept credit card payments only. This way we can process your order within a very short period of time. As soon as your payment is approved by our processing centre, your merchandise is ready to be packed and sent out.
3. Q: What credit cards do you accept?
A: We accept Visa and MasterCard cards only.
4. Q: When will my credit card be charged?
A: Your credit card will be charged as soon as your order is processed and accepted by our billing department.
5. Q: Can I cancel the order placed with you?
A: You can contact our support team and inform them of the cancellation of your order within 24 hours from its placement. We can not accept order cancellation once the order is shipped.
(No guarantees for an Illegal Product)
6. Q: Can I get my money back if I am not satisfied with your product or service?
A: Yes, if for some reason you are not satisfied with the product, please contact our support team and notify us of the problem. See our Our policies section.
(No guarantees for an Illegal Product)
7. Q: What is your returns policy?
A: Please, see Our policies section.
(Why bother? There's no guarantee that they would honor their own policy)
8. Q: Do you have any discount system?
A: No, we do not offer any discounts at the moment.
9. Q: How can I contact you?
A: See our Contact Us section.
10. Q: Where are you located?
A: Our support team is located in London, UK. The medications are manufactured and shipped from India.
Site Information
Domain Name:
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-01-09
Creation Date: 2008-01-09
Last Update Date: 2008-04-17
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: Taiwan
Website Status: inactive
Cache Date: 2008-04-18 23:09:32 MST
Final Word
Do not trust this one.. it's the same scam wandering the net. The name changes perhaps, but the scam is still there!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
7th Heaven PTR: Heaven or Hell?
With the words, "you will be with us in the 7th heaven", this site offers one of the high flying deals you can find on the web. This site is true to its namesake, the only problem is that, you don't have wings to take this kind of flight, and guess what? So are they! And unless you provide them the means to scam you, they could actually fly away to the 7th Heaven and leave you crying in the fiery depths of Hell!
7th Heaven or 7th Hell?
• TOTALLY FREE Membership.
• Upgraded memberships are available Here!
• International members are welcome
• $2000 sign up bonus! (Oh, wow! My sweet Lord!)
• Email worth $200 ! (Oh my God!)
• All PTC worth $200 (Oh my Jesus!)
• $1000 minimum Payout for Platinum Members (Of course, you need a miracle to get this!)
• Payments via E-Gold, MoneyBookers, PayPal!
• $200 Referral Bonus
• We send redemptions with 24hours!
• Adroader guarantee fast service!
• Refer others and get paid on 4 cash referral levels of commission under you:
* Level 1 - 14%
* Level 2 - 7%
* Level 3 - 5%
* Level 4 - 1%
OK, like this is scam or what? Of course, such offers could make you wonder if they are on drugs. And as for advertisement package.. very cheap.. yes! The same tactic is here!
And as they say, the higher you fly, the higher you fall!
There is no 7th Heaven in a scam site like this one! Added into the Scam List
We're wondering why they claim to be Canadian Health Care when they are registered to an Oriental host such as Xinnet. Any ideas? If you're thinking that they are scam, yes, you're absolutely right! This scam landed on my spam emails again. After tracing it, it lead me again to, the popular scam host of the Orient. The spam they sent me was identifying itself as me. This technique is no enigma to me, and it's not like I sent spam to myself or that my email had been hack by these scoundrels. This technique is actually what we commonly call as "Email spoofing", it is a way for a coward to hide his/her true identity. The reason as to why they do this is so that they can't be identified. Obviously, they are doing something illegal so it's only natural for them to hide (animal instinct). Identifying itself as yourself can be attractive as it sparks your curiosity, leading you to open the garbage can (spam), but this method comes to no surprise nowadays. This method is actually common and can easily be neutralized by any email services' defenses, unfortunately, this can still send newbies into a panic or make them fall into the trap.
The Scam
The cheap meds for grandpas, and the impotent is the scam of the site. They sell it so cheap that it makes you want to buy. You'll realize later that what you bought could actually doom you. Moreover, this site is an illegal business entity, so there could be no guarantees that you could get your money back. Stay away if you want to live!
Website Details
Domain Name:
Status: ok
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-03-25
Creation Date: 2008-03-25
Last Update Date: 2008-03-25
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: China
Website Status: active
Server Type: Apache/2.0.58 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.58 OpenSSL/0.9.7f PHP/4.4.7
Cache Date: 2008-04-16 06:33:30 MST
Compare Archived Data: 2008-04-05
Yes, the site is from China not Canada. Therefore, this is not Canadian Health Care but Chinese Health Care. They have already lied with the claim, what more proof do you need for you to call this a scam? It's scam on itself! LNH Solutions Clone
The spammer/scammer, LNH Solutions has other domain names, and one of them is This scam site uses pathetic third world Internet technology in an attempt to scam the world. They try to force their market, selling their rediculous products into other countries despite no approval, and as a result, these scammers are always banned from using the net for their business ventures. However, they always have a nasty way of marketing their products through illegal means such as spamming, and somehow, their emails find their way into our spam folder. For why lousy businesses such as these thrive to promote their product in a futile way is a mystery, but of course, stupidity and ignorance can be taken into account.
Note that and are both scam sites, as such, they should never be trusted. Their products have not undergone proper testing and had not gained approval from any food and drug agencies. Therefore, taking their product puts you at health risks. Moreover, if such products are genuine, you should wonder why they market it illegally.
Stay away from these sites! ED Express Scam
Just would like to add to the list of internet scams. This site offers very cheap Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc. meds that is guaranteed to turn your eyes white, dilate your pupils, and make your body stiff (Rigor Mortis).
This is one of the scams of the evil host Xinnet. Don't buy anything from this site, however, if you're stubborn enough, you may donate your money to finance these criminals. And yes, buying from them could be same as donating.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 Another Xinnet Scam
Buyers beware! We've found another scam, courtesy of, the well-known scam host and distributor of fake products and services. The domain name of the scam site is, a duplicate of LNH Solutions website that has been for some time, branded as scam by the Internet community.
Here is the replica..
This site sells illegal products that offers false promises, moreover, they are spamming, and nothing good comes from spam.
To point out some of the lies in the site.. here are their claims..
It is a 100% safe and natural herbal formula designed to enlarge your penis size when used as we recommend.
Is this discreet?
Package and bottles are made to be discreet , also the billing is discrete for our customers privacy.
Does it work on non circumcised penis?
LNH by LNH SOLUTIONS will work on both circumcised and non circumcised penis.
What is the recommended dose of LNH by LNH SOLUTIONS?
We recommend you to take two tablets once a day, after a meal.
Are there any side effects?
No, LNH Pills by LNH SOLUTIONS do not cause any known adverse side effects.
Vitamin E 20 IU
soya protein concentrate 250 mg
Mucuna pruriens 75 mg
Asteracantha longifolia 75 mg
Pueraria tuberosa 75 mg
Withania somnifera 50 mg
Tribulus terrestris 50 mg
Albizzia lebbeck 50 mg
Argyrerin speciosa seed 100 mg
Valeriana wallichii 25 mg
What kind of increase can I expect?
You can expect an increase ranging from 1 to 4 inches in length after a 4 month supply, but we do recommend the 6 month package for better results and higher savings.
(FALSE FALSE FALSE: Any pill saying it can produce multiple inches in length is LYING!)
How long should I use LNH Pills by LNH SOLUTIONS?
To get the best possible results we recommend using the program for at least four months. But remember, just like exercising, results may vary. The more dedicated you are, the sooner you will see results. We look forward to your success!
What type of herbs are used in LNH Pills by LNH SOLUTIONS?
ManSter Pills are a unique blend of all natural and FDA approved ingredients.
(FALSE FALSE FALSE: The FDA has not approved this product! FACT!)
Coming from a small country outside of the US can I expect to have the size of an American man?
There are stories and myths of penis size from around the world. One of the common stories is that men from different cultures or races have penis length differences. This is entirely inaccurate. The most common differences are in length and girth but remember, there are differences in all people in regards to height, weight and appearance.
When should you stop taking LNH Pills by LNH SOLUTIONS?
Whenever you feel comfortable with the way you look just stop taking our product.
How do you ship the product?
We have multiple distribution centers around the world, and endeavor to get you your packet as quick as possible. All orders will be processed and dispatched within 24hrs.
How good is your money back guarantee?
Our money back guarantee is great. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with our product within the first 3 Months simply return the pills for a 100% refund.
I have never ordered online. Is it safe?
Yes! It is safer then placing an order over the phone or even buying anything at retail stores. We don't save your credit card information and can't even view it. All data is transmitted through a secure server by our credit card processor.
Are their any alternative ordering methods besides using a credit card?
You can order our products with all the major Credit Cards (Visa, Master Card, Amex). If you don't have one you could get a gift Visa card from places like 7-11 stores, or a virtual Visa from that you could use.
Information was taken from
We've traced the source of and bingo.. it's really from China..
Domain Name:
Status: ok
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-04-14
Creation Date: 2008-04-14
Last Update Date: 2008-04-14
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: China
Website Status: active
Server Type: Apache/2.0.58 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.58 OpenSSL/0.9.7f PHP/4.4.7
Cache Date: 2008-04-15 08:24:43 MST
This site also happened to have been banned by the search engines due to multiple abuses of the Internet, including abuse of (using it as redirector), spam mailing, and others more.
So, you see.. this site simply cannot be trusted. Don't spend your money on such gibberish if you don't want to be yelling and cursing in Chinese.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Velocity Clicks sold as a damaged good
It has become common knowledge that the owner of Velocity Clicks known as Eric Lew was running Velocity Clicks as a scam site.
When the site came the first time around, there were already rumors flying around about the owner who also happens to had been involve with ICashOut, another site with a bad record. The Canadian PTC scumbag can't seem to get enough of scamming people and false advertising, but fortunately, he was caught before he could cause any more major harm.
Eric had used VC (Velocity Clicks) to take advantage of the popular PTC industry and those involve with it by setting up a pseudo-PTC business. VC, of course, never paid most of its members, and to cover up the scheme, he created a Been-Paid list that contains fake Payment informations and false testimonies.
When VC's plot was revealed to the public, the site eventually got blacklisted from the list of legitimate PTC business, which is of course, the prize for being a scam. With no more income to loot, the scumbag auctioned the site and sold it for a small fortune. The transaction was said to be a standard handover with a promise that all outstanding outgoings would be paid before handover. Whoever purchased the site made a foolish move to trust Eric as many of the people who didn't receive payment on the list are still unpaid. Moreover, the unlucky buyer will most probably have a hard time maintaining the site despite improvements, as this site is as good as a damaged good, with a tarnished name, courtesy of the joker who previously run it.
A Second Opinion
Even if VC opens under a new owner, it would be hard to gain the trust of the people, most especially of those who fall prey into it. You can't really expect VC to rise that instantaneously. On top of that, doubts of a secondary scam attempt could not be easily removed from the list of possibilities. Who would want to buy a scam site anyway? And it's kinda strange that someone is still willing to take the risk over a fallen site. This is just an opinion, but could it be that the VC buyer is an affiliate of Eric himself, and that they are planning to reopen the site to scam some more? Who knows...
Cash-Hi payout received
While you wasted your time there doubting if you could really earn from Cash-Hi, I had received another payout from this site. This is the third time this site paid me, and I'm still earning even as you read this. Overall, I earned $0.62 from this site, and while you may scoff on my earnings, know that these may still accumulate, and you won't get a dollar if you miss a penny.
Another penny went into my Paypal account, and I am now close to earning a dollar.. you may wonder, how did I start this business? With nothing! So, stop wasting your time.. join me now..
Sign Up for a Cash-Hi Account sent me their 10 cents
CoinMachine, one of the sites I came to like, has sent me another $0.10. I achieved it within 6-10 days time only, and received it on my paypal within 2-3 days. The owner Josh Rodarte seems to be a very reliable man, and always keep his word. This is the second time that I got paid by this site.
Here's my proof...
CoinMachine constantly earns new members everyday, and keeps at least 12 ads to click worthing $0.001 - $0.008 each.
This site has a strict anti-cheat feature that prevents auto-clickers and bots, thus, ensuring good traffic. For an advertiser, payments are negotiable, and they accept various payment processors too.
This site will grow if it keeps up the good system. The low $0.10 minimum payout, and the fast payout are among the neat features of this site. had found its place among the legitimate PTC sites of the web, and will hopefully find its place among the best.
Sign Up for a CoinMachine account
Friday, April 11, 2008
60de: Scam by nature
60de is a lousy scam site with a poor quality logo, and offers that can turn you into an idiot. Of course, that goes with every scam site on the web, they always have this tendency to always put you in the losing end.
To make my point.. here are the offers:
# Affiliateship with this site is totally Free! Upgraded affiliateships are available Here!
# Get Paid for Receiving, Reading and Visiting the Sites of the Greatest Interest to You!
# All Emails Worth $200, No downline required for payout! $200 referral bonus !
# Fast Payments For Honest Members. (Fast payments or fast at running away?)
# Payments Will be Made With via PayPal,
E-Gold, MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash, AnyPay,
NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or check!
# Redemption page start from only $60000!
# International Affiliates are Welcome!
# 2 Ref levels of commission under you!
Level 1 - 20%
Level 2 - 10%
Of course, the offer of emails that worth $200 each is obvious scam, just think where would they get the money to pay you? And if you combine this with the advertising offers of cheap advertisement, then what we have is a real scam site.
Thursday, April 10, 2008 and Stormcodec8.exe
Heads up guys, another scam site named Normocock is exploiting the Stormcodec8.exe executable file that contains the Email-Worm.Win32.Zhelatin.wt (Kaspersky Antivirus) worm. I found this blog, in my spam email today and it forwarded me to Normocock. On Normocock, there is a text that tells me that I have no Stormcodec8.exe on my computer, and instructs me to download it so that I may preview the scam site. Of course, I'm not stupid enough to fall on this type of deception.
Note that Stormcodec is used to play Stormcodec-dependent videos. Apparently, it appears that the online hoodlums attempt to scam people by exporting their poop on our computers. Who are they targeting? Those countries that frequently use the said codec..
The Programmers behind the thrash
They are a group called "Zhelatin" by some, while others call them the "Storm" gang. It has been rumored that the team is falling apart, and has loss some of its programmers and designers, good for them!
It's too bad that this group wasted their talents on stupidity, if they had only used it for something good, then they should have earned not just my respect, but those of others as well. The 60 day payout processing can be frustrating
One of the first PTC sites that I join and came to love is, a promising site with a large number of members. I joined this site because of the payment proofs that more than one people presented; showing how legitimate this site is. I brought with me, two of my friends as referrals, both of them are helping me earn on the site since has a 100% referral bonus system. One of my friends bought referrals to speed up his earning potential, and so, he managed to reach the minimum payout more quickly. He got his pay last month after waiting for 2 whole months. I, on the other hand, was still expecting my pay this April.
Now, I know that is a good site, but the long 60-day payout processing can be very frustrating. The other problem is that you can only request one payment at a time, then you will have to wait for another two months, which kinda sucks!
The Solution
Premium members (upgraded) could get their pay within 30 days, and those with a cards can get it much much quicker. Still, as a free member, you have this big disadvantage. If only I have a credit card to purchase an upgrade and referrals, but I have none, and so the frustration goes.. has many members, and the processing delay could be the consequent of this. I know that it's tough to run a site this big, yet, my bills can't wait.. So if this is how it goes, then it only shows that you cannot 100% rely on as your primary source of income. You'll be dead before it actually pays! Reality really bites, and it kills too!
However, if you're looking for some extra income, this is your site..
Sign Up as my Referral on
If you'll help me earn by becoming my referral, I'll pay you $0.10 per 100 clicks, I'll sum it up and pay you when I get paid by This is so that by the time you reach your $10 payout, you'll get an extra $1.00 bonus from me. This is what I can offer right now, but expect it to rise for up to 25% if you become my good partner. Scam site that sells cheap meds
Another spammer had brought us another scam site, The name sounds like as if it's related to cars, but this domain actually points to a lousy scam site that sells cheap illegal drugs. They may be cheap but the fact that they are distributed by an illegal company is not worth taking the risk.
This is how it looks like...
Note that this site could be a possible phishing site, and could be involved in money laundering operations that finances certain criminal groups, including terrorists. Moreover, I'd read reports of people getting scammed by sites similar to this one. Some bought medications and never received them, while some received unsealed or improperly packed products. On top of that, you couldn't also eliminate the possibility that such products could endanger your health since they didn't undergo product testing to ensure safety.
The site is hosted at (XIN NET TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION), the same web host used by and It is registered to another fake persona, as what cyber criminals (cyber scums) always do.
Why always Xinnet? We don't know. But, with Xinnet always involved in the crimes, you cannot remove the possibility that a Chinese organization is somehow connected to these criminal activities. However, note that this is not pulled by one group alone, they are actually a network of criminals working from different countries to meet the same purpose. They could be from Russia, Taiwan, and even the United States.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
SuperBux: Where nobody earns real money is a site that offers $0.03 per link clicked, and $0.06 for each website your referrals view.. wait a minute.. something is wrong here.. Why is it that they offer more for referral views? Hmm.. Well, if try to read their TOS (Terms of Service), you may find the answer..
Here is what contained in TOS #5: This is only Convert ADS site, I don't payout. Well, that figures.
It's a pity really, this site could have become one of the best PTC sites out there, if only it pays its members. The site has a large ad archive of about 30-40 ads daily, but since it does not pay its members, these ads do not get viewed by consumers, but by advertisers themselves.
This site does not classify itself under PTC category. It functions as an ad exchange site, and is merely disguising itself as a PTC. Most probably, to attract advertisers, not members.
Is this site a Scam?
Legally speaking, no, it's not. Note that when you sign-up on this site, you had agreed to their TOS, and since it's clearly stated that there are no pay outs, then it's like that you agreed to join in a click exchange site. Moreover, there were no written text displayed anywhere on this site that states that they pay out money, so you cannot accuse them of fraud. However, you could say that their business is somewhat base on deception. The Bux name is also one of the deceptive techniques implemented to gain members and advertisers, however, they could argue that Bux is different from Bucks, which you could refer to money. Technically speaking, you lose upon joining the site.