I joined CoinMachine.info, a PTC site that offers a low $0.02 payout, at least, that's their policy when I joined them. Unfortunately, they switched it to $0.10 a few days later. And would you believe, the change occurred just a day after my cash out? Call me lucky.. but, I barely screwed up.
When I found the change in their minimum payout, I thought they would deny me the money, but I was wrong.. You see, 2 days later, I receive an email from CoinMachine.. this is what it contains..
Click on Picture to enlarge
Well, it looks like they honored their word, and I'm glad that they are not like the other sites which gave out excuses instead.
As soon as I receive the email, I immediately opened my Paypal account and confirmed that they did pay..

Click on Picture to enlarge
I know, it's a measly 2 cents, but at least, it's real! And since CoinMachine did show some proof, that could only mean that CoinMachine is among the legitimate PTC sites of the web.
Summary of Offers
Here is a summary of what CoinMachine offers..
$0.10 Minimum Payout with paypal (formerly $0.02)
$1.00 Minimum Payout with Alertpay
Free Membership
PTC $0.001 - $0.008
Referral earnings now 10%
Click exchange ratio: view 2/ get 1 x-credit
Payout from other processors soon
I estimate that you could reach $0.10 alone in approximately 2 weeks. But, you could make it a lil' faster if you have downlines. To get downlines, refer your friends through the promotion link found on the CoinMachine site.
Business Stability Issues
I could see that CoinMachine is struggling for a place in the PTC/PTR industry. It's capability to pay its members quickly means that the site has enough funds to support the network, but the increase in payout could mean that the site is having some problems. Hopefully, we could remedy it through promotion..
The site, according to their site statistics, currently has 2,400+ members. If the site stats do not lie, then we could see that the site has a need to grow. However, this does not mean that CoinMachine is a poor site, it's just that not too many people knows it. Anyway, it's too early to predict the outcome of this site, but since they pay, I know they can be trusted. I am going to continue patronizing this site, and see where their business venture leads to.
Want to try it?
If you want to try, CoinMachine, please click on the links below.. note that CoinMachine currently supports Paypal and Alertpay.
Sign Up for a CoinMachine Account
Sign Up for an Alertpay Account
Sign Up for a Paypal Account
I am going to give my update on this site in a couple more days.
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