Recently, the former PTC/Offers Site, Adverbux, has moved out of the PTC industry. As you can see, they no longer accept PTC advertisers and no longer has this Paid ad feature in their system.
The site has now focused its efforts on Offers such as Paid to Sign Up, Paid to play flash games, and Manual Traffic Exchanges. While these offers are still going to earn you money, only the Flash games could really earn you a daily income. The Paid to Sign Up features offers some promising high pays but you have to make some extra effort before you can avail them (ie. Sign Up under a referrer on a particular site and click a number of ads), and it's going to take you from days to weeks. Sometimes, you may need to remind the sponsor for them to credit you, and sometimes you may need to fight for it. The Manual Traffic Exchange is still a neat feature for advertisers, unfortunately, it could become bounced hits in a few days.
The outcome for this move is still uncertain, and there's no telling whether it will work for the best or will pull Adverbux down, but only time will tell if it's going to work out. So far, the Alexa rating isn't going good for this site.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
No more Paid Ads for Adverbux
Friday, May 23, 2008
Paid by Cash-Hi for the fourth time
Today, I got my fourth payment from Cash-Hi. I have accumulated a total of 46 cents this time before I actually requested for a payout. Well what can I say? So far so good.
Payment Proof
This site had paid me 4 times straight already. Sign up now, you can't go wrong with this one.
Sign Up
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Phishing for Adwords
Over these past few weeks, spam emails seemed to have increased significantly. Probably because the lame fraudsters are not making enough money or maybe they are suffering from lack of attention lately. Perhaps, but these good for nothing fraudsters never run out of cheap tricks. And just recently, those Bolan****s from China had unleashed another Phishing scam through spam mails. Their target.. Adwords advertisers. And while we admire the Chinese for their ingenuity in handling businesses, we can't neglect the fact that some of them are losers, who can't do anything good except for making the Chinese reputation on the web look bad.
The spam email contents look like they are coming from the Google Adwords program. Although they include typos, many small business owners advertising on Google Adwords wonder if this phishing emails are real.
Using Uronlinebiz's screenshots, here are the four different ways how scammers target their victims..
Subject: Your AdWords Google Account is stoped
Date: March 25, 2008 8:06:15 AM EDT
This message was sent from a notification-only email address that does not accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.
Dear Google AdWords Customer,
Please sign in to your account at , and update your billing information. [This link actually goes to a scam site in China.]
Your account will be reactivated as soon as you update your payment information. [Wrong, your account will get stolen, that's what they mean.]
Your ads will show immediately if you decide to pay for clicks via credit or debit card. If you decide to pay by direct debit, we may need to receive your signed debit authorization before your ads start running, depending on your location. [Note that you are paying scammers, not Google.]
If you choose bank transfer, your ads will show as soon as we receive your first payment. [B.S.]
We look forward to providing you with the most effective advertising available. [Crap!]
The Google AdWords Team [The Bolan**** team pretending to be Google.]
Subject: The Google AdWords Team request you to update your billing information [ we could steal your account.]
Date: March 28, 2008 5:03:21 PM EDT
Dear Google AdWords Customer,
Your ads have stopped running because we were unable to process your billing information. We will reactivate you account after you update your billing information. In order to reactivate your account, please sign it to your account at [Chinese Scam Site], and update your billing information. Once your account is reactivated and your billing information has been processed, any your ads and campaigns can begin running immediately on Google. [This link also goes to a scam site in China.]
You will not be asked to submit your billing information every time you create a new ad or campaign. If your payment has been declined and you'd like to resubmit the same credit card information, you may also do so by clicking the Retry card button on your Billing Preferences page. After updating your credit card information (regardless of whether or not you use a different card), it can take up to 24 hours before your ads start running again. You also have the option of providing a backup credit card to help ensure that your ads run continuously in the case that your primary payment method fails. [Sounds like a Google agent wannabe.]
The Google AdWords Team [The Scam Team pretending to be Google.]
Subject: Our programme terms have changed.
Date: April 4, 2008 2:57:16 PM EDT
Dear AdWords Customer,
As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the Google AdWords programme for advertisers and users, we have updated our Terms and Conditions.
Please review the new Terms and Conditions below, then indicate your acceptance.
Yes, I accept the Terms and Conditions. [This includes a link to another phishing website.]
This message was sent from a notification-only email address that does not accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.
How to avoid the Scam?
If you have a question about any emails like these, we suggest that you do not click on the link contained in these spam mails. Instead, log into your account the way you normally do. If there is really a problem with your billing or other information, you'll see it when you log into your account. Better yet, contact Google's support team and ask for confirmation, and never hesitate to report these fraudulent emails to Google.
Monday, May 19, 2008
CoinMachine's New Addon Script
One of the legitimate sites,, has recently incorporated a new addon script on their site. This new addon has changed the surfing experience for the better as you wouldn't need to open and close a new browser anymore.
What is does is open a frame on the same page. Advertisers could still get their view while the timer counts down because the users are still free to browse the advertiser's site. At the end of the count down timer, the surfer will still undergo a security check, in which the user is asked to select the correct answer among the choices inside the frame. If the surfer picks the correct answer, the frame will remain, but will have the option to either close the site or continue browsing. If the Close option is picked, the frame redirects the user to the CoinMachine site, where he could proceed on the next ad. So far, this feature has been implemented on the PTC section, but have not been implemented on the PTR (Pay to read) section yet. There have been no word from our good admin if there are plans to install this addon to both sections, but he's currently beta testing it if it suits the users' satisfaction.
So far, CoinMachine is the only PTC/PTR site running on aurora script that uses this feature. CoinMachine's admin, Josh Rodarte, seems to really care about his members and affiliates, evidenced by his dedication to this project. He endeavors to do everything he could to make our stay on the site a pleasant one.
Sunday, May 18, 2008 does pay!
No-Minimum is a PTC/PTR site owned by the MoneyMoneyGroup. The same group that owns Donkeymails. A legitimate site that is 2 yrs. old already. The administrator of this site is Guy Eisenga and Sebas Broekhof. Both are well known for their honesty.
I have joined this site for 2 mos. already and since I'm working alone, it kinda took me some time before I could finally reach my paypal cashout at $1. The payout procedure, however, didn't take a week, and in just few days time, I received my payment. Here's my payment proof..
And thus proves that the MultiMoneyGroup, is indeed a legitimate business group.
What this Site Offers
• New Paid to Promote $0.65 per 1,000 Credits!
• Paid to Click
• Paid to Read e-mails
• Get Paid To Signup!
• No Minimum Payout on e-gold!
• Use our ManualSurf for more traffic!
• Low Payout for Paypal ($1.00)
• 6 Referral levels: 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%, 1%
It uses the same classical incentive base system as with Donkeymails. The tried and true method proves to be very stable compared to the new generation PTC systems, meaning, this business has a higher survival rate, and has less chances of collapsing. The only drawback is the low income earning. However, if you are looking for cash, and at the same time, traffic, this is one of the sites that we could recommend.
Identity Theft Emails
Have you been a victim of Identity Theft? You may never know, someone on the Internet may already been impersonating you and has been using your identity to cover up their dirty schemes. You may wonder, how did they manage to obtain your information? I'll explain how..
Identity Thief by definition is a fraudulent act that involves stealing money or getting other benefits by pretending to be someone else. Of course, if you were the victim, you could suffer various consequences as you will be held responsible for the perpetrator's actions.
But how do these identity thieves manage to obtain your information? Well, unfortunately, there are a lot of ways, but I will be focusing on one major scheme commonly used by these idiots.. Spam Emails!
The Method
Most identity thieves steal identity through emails, but since it's difficult to email everyone one by one, they use robots to crawl the web, steal email addresses, and use robots to mail everyone automatically. Most email services had already device a way to get rid of such emails by filtering them, but sometimes, some of these manage to land on your Inbox. Eventually, some users who are not aware of it, may read it.. This is what it contains.. See example below..
It usually contains.. the "wow, you win the online lottery" message. Other's even pretend to be lawyers and asks you to be the beneficiary of an inheritance. Other's still asks you to become a business associate. Whatever the scam message.. they always ask you to give them your Personal Information.
Note that there is no online lottery that is based on email addresses and is conducted automatically. If you haven't participated it, do not act so greedy of claiming the reward even if the prizes are tempting. Only a spam robot would steal email ads, and only a scammer would conduct such drawings, moreover, there is no prize.. unless, you can consider getting your identity stolen a prize.
As for the lawyer-beneficiary scheme, no one's stupid enough to just make you inherit a load of wealth. If someone dies, and has no kin, his/her fortune will usually be escheated to the treasury of a particular country, where the decease person left his/her wealth, of course, this depends on the law governing such cases, but by any means, do not act as the beneficiary when you don't even know the decease person. If you submit your information to claim such wealth, you'll surely inherit the crime of the identity thief.
Other methods include advertising your profile on forums, social networking sites, etc. Doing this will certainly make the thieve's work much easier.
To prevent your identity stolen, as a golden rule, always never give your personal information to strangers or any unauthorized agent. Do not register your personal information on unregistered or unsecured sites, most especially on scam sites. Do not loiter your email ad on just any sites, this will help spam robots steal your account, and increases your chances of receiving the fraudulent email. Smuggler's den?
I was tired of reading repetitive spam emails of Viagra products lately, but another brand new thing caught my eye while I browse my spam email folder this morning. The new link was A site that sells watches, necklaces, and other accessories. It looks like an ordinary site with a nice design, but the thing that sparked my curiosity was the way it advertises itself. Why through spam? Now, that's a mystery since we very much know that spamming is illegal.
So, with that said, I went on to check who was responsible of such site, and it gave me this result..
Domain Name:
Status: ok
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-05-16
Creation Date: 2008-05-16
Last Update Date: 2008-05-16
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: China
Website Status: active
Server Type: Apache/2.0.58 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.58 OpenSSL/0.9.7f PHP/4.4.7
Cache Date: 2008-05-18 17:23:48 MST
OK, no wonder this site contains cheap products, and special offers.. it's from Xinnet again, and they have been actually violating the Internet Law by propagating itself through an illegal procedure known as spamvertise. Now, if it's from Xinnet, it's certified scam, and that's enough reason for us to blacklist this site.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
WordLinx's improvements
Good news for WordLinx members. The site that had been around since 2003 had launched a new business system that was said to expand WordLinx's presence on the Net using a Junction technology that creates a brand new entry point for advertisers via promotion, affiliates, and now, including resellers. As you can see, this increases advertising flow considerably as more advertisers mean more paid adverts. If you are a WordLinx member, you may now have noticed that the ads had increased dramatically, even if you are a non-upgraded member.
This system was started on May 15th, as was scheduled. If the system continues to work for the company, then we can expect WordLinx to rise from its stagnant position.
WordLinx had also included on their blog some historical facts about the company. They stated that several years ago, WordLinx was the first major PTC with a $0.01 per click and $10 cashout structure. Since then, many websites have copied their system in an attempt to replicate their success. They also stated that there are now hundreds of similar sites in the Net today, most charging much more for the same service. And for over the last few months, they have been developing a brand new system that would provide more paid adverts for everyone. They boast that it's unlike anything we've ever seen before.
Sign Up for WordLinx
Earn3 has gone 10
The PTC site, Earn3, has announced this 10th of May, the raising of their minimum payout from $3 to $10. There are few reasons as to why they raise the payout, and it's no different from the reasons of the other PTC sites that also started at low then suddenly raise to $10 minimum. One of the main reasons is the massive payout that's not only difficult for the administrators but is also risky for the business, as the site may have to catch up with time and money.
The site Earn3 may have already been aware of this since from the start, but they thought of this as a good strategy to catch up attention. Anyway, as long as they pay, there's really nothing wrong with this move. However, it seems that the name Earn3 doesn't suit them anymore. Perhaps they should change that name to Earn10 as well. LOL.
Friday, May 16, 2008
4th Payment Received from
The PTC/PTR Site had recently paid me for the fourth time already. This again proves that the site, owned by the young admin, Josh Rodarte, is truly legitimate.
The site continues to grow in members, and there had been not a day that it fails to acquire new members. The site is now close to acquiring 3000+ members.
Payment Proof
This is now my fourth payment through Paypal. I had acquired 35c from this site now. If you also want to fill your Paypal with cash, join me now..
Sign Up
Thursday, May 15, 2008 actually pays!
Orangebizs is one of the PTC/PTR Sites that actually pays, and it pays on a weekly basis. The income I got from this site is small compared to the new generation PTC sites nowadays, but hey, at least, it pays on time, and consistently.
Check my proof of payment below:
Site Offers
In this site, Membership is free, it has a no-minimum weekly payout by Paypal and a $1 Payout by E-Gold within 72 hrs.
Like any classical PTC/PTR site, it also has a PTP (Paid to Promote) feature that offers $0.88/CPM for Upgraded Members (Middle or Higher). Furthermore, it offers Search Emails that are worth around 0.25 - 0.5 Cent each for optin.
All cash emails and PTC are worth 0.0002 - 1 Cent, PTP ads are worth 0.02 - 0.04 Cent for optin.
Point ads are Worth 8 - 20 Points for optin only. The points that you can gather on the site can be accumulated and used to Upgrade, Trade, or Redeem for Ads.
Paid To Signup offers are worth $0.1 to $10. International Members are Welcome, however, they must know how to understand English.
The site has 4 Referral levels of commission, with the following cut --- 7%,3%,1%,1%.
This site is worth a try.
What happened to
Recently, the PTC site known as had disappeared without a trace, leaving many of the members to worry that they had been scammed. This is the headline that caught my attention in one of my PTC news sources. However, it was also said that the administrator of the alleged site made a conscious effort to inform some of the users that the site had actually been hacked with the Alertpay account blocked.
The owner, Mark L, had said that it first seemed impossible for the site to be hacked, but everyone will be given notice when the site is backed up. He, however, failed to explain the process of this hacking attempt and why it has also affected the site's Alertpay account.
Of course it would be no surprise for a payment processor to freeze the account of a site that sites a problem. But, according to many of the users, they were not informed quick enough that the site had been hacked. This could have resulted in complaints directed at Alertpay regarding the site shortly after it went down.
Buxology is back but with some problems!
The PTC site, Buxology, is now back online, now running under the aurora script. While this resurrection seemed to cheer a lot of Buxology members, there are others who were not happy of the problems it brought from the grave.
One of the problems it has is with the accounts. Some accounts were no longer accessible for some unknown reason. You can contact the admin Creonx though, and he will try to help you. However, we have found one member who got his account deleted for calling Creonx a liar. Apparently, Buxology's sudden disappearance had worried everyone, and had angered some who were misinformed. Other problems include the email verification system, and the forgot password feature, which seem to be not working right. The admin is currently dealing with it.
To be honest, I don't like Creonx's behavior and how he handles the site, but this is my personal opinion anyway. The account deletion due to calling the admin a liar was not a good thing. For the admin to take it seriously is totally unprofessional, moreover, there is no TOS in the site that states that doing this kind of thing would get you banned or deleted, thus, this act by the admin was invalid. You see, it does not mean that just because you are the admin, you could do anything you want in the site. You still have to do things by the rule!
Another bad thing that we noticed on Buxology is the backup procedure. Some members found their earnings deducted. The admin told everybody that this was because of the fact that they had to use an older Database Backup. Meaning, the earnings you accrued after the backup were not counted. Well, it's a sound reason, as long as they had also discounted the advertising fee right after the backup, otherwise, it would be cheating for the site. Why have they not backup using the recent database anyway? Well, that's the question that only the admin of Buxology knows.
Now, with regards to TOS, the site seemed to lack some more definitive terms. In case you did not read their TOS, you may find that there is no terms that covers payment issues. They did not state anything how much you have to make to get paid, and they didn't state when are you going to get paid. Now, this is sort of odd for a PTC site, that is why I'm getting out of it right now.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 payment issues still linger
Members of the largest PTC site,, are still plagued by the long cashout delays brought about by the site's "extensive auditing", now, you can find a lot of people at the forum, complaining about the payout overdue.
The site admins defended themselves by reasoning that they have a lot of members to pay, and that they have to manually check every account carefully to make sure that it is not fraudulent in nature. They also changed the TOS, including the 60 days for Non-premium, and 30 days for Premium payout rule, where they added an additional statement, stating that "due to extensive audit procedure, we cannot guarantee this."
Arguments over Payout
The payout delay does not only concerns Non-premium members now. It seemed to have escalated further, and now involves even Premium members, including those with the cards. With this respect, people are demanding that the site should hire some additional staff to help with the auditing. This move, however, seems risky, as hiring additional men is a factor that could affect the business (Human Factor), most especially if the men they hire are absolute strangers to them. Therefore, while does not comment on this, they still keep things running the way they are right now. They are doing this rather than make a mistake that they would only regret in the future.
Members, in this kind of business, appears to be at the losing end, as the site determines who gets paid and who gets not. And since the people agreed to the site's TOS upon joining, it's the people who are liable for their own action, thus, rendering the site free from any harm. However, while this is true, the people still have the right to get paid, and if the site turns out to be just another ponzi scheme, this would invalidate the site's very own TOS.
We know very well that is not the kind of site who would just throw away their good reputation just like that, but we could not also disregard the fact that has our money, and they could run away anytime if they want to. The admin of the said site, however, confidently states that can afford to pay even a million members.. now, this statement is a reassurance, and tells everybody that the site is doing fine. And since this business is working out for them, and earns them a good profit, it would be very unlikely for them to do the wrong deed. True, but still, the long payout delays seemed to have worried everyone already.
Currently, is finding some solutions to solve the problem. They are currently creating a new script, which they hope to speed things up. This script had already been tested on the site, and seems to be working right, however, has not permanently incorporated it to the site yet, that is since it is in its early beta stages, and that they are not yet sure if it's free from bugs that would only help aggravate the situation later on.
Some Truth about the Site are not joking when they say that they have many accounts to settle. still ranks the highest when it comes to PTC, with over 1.5 million members, evidenced by the Alexa graph below.
Could the delay be all because of this?
Conclusion is still the top PTC site you would ever find. Nothing of its members/former members say could make it tremble. As for the payouts, we could really do nothing but patiently wait.. Moreover, it would only be wise to support it rather than help bring it down. You see, we are all riding this wagon, if it goes down, we all go down with it.
HKBux Changes
The PTC site, HKBux, is currently undergoing some changes. While I'm not an active clicker on their site, there are things I have read on their site and forum. The first thing that catches my attention is when they announced that they were under attack on May 7, then the closure of their old forum due to spam. The other things are the announcements of HKBux regarding the ads. It appears that they will temporarily be running under temporary ads, but they say that they will be back on July, and by that time, they will have a new script, a new design, and a new payment method. They said that they are also open for the sell auction. People are given the chance to negotiate for pricing. However, the admin also said that if there is no investor or buyer, HKBux will change the PTC script and will pay again, which is of course, going to happen somewhere in July.
There was already a delay regarding HKBux relaunching, the said site was once announced to relaunch on June, unfortunately, the admin didn't have much time to finish the new script. He added that he plans to start paying again as soon as everything is settled, and will be deleting all members who were not logging in for at least a month, after that he will start paying through another payment processor, which is called GGepay, a payment processor located in New York, US, and run by a webmaster from China.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Buxology is down but not out
The new PTC site is currently down due to host-related issues. Apparently, the admin, Creonx, hires someone to negotiate with a host, unfortunately, this person whom Creonx had trusted forgot to pay the bills, thus, the site was put out of commission. However, the admin assures that Buxology has not stopped. They promise to return on Monday, and will be running under a new script.
Aglocomails: Unsustainable PTR
Aglocomails is one of the unsustainable PTR websites on the Internet today. This website belongs to the scam list simply because they offer false promises to those who should know better. Imagine, they promise to credit 100 USD for an eMail, urges you to upgrade so you could earn more (they do mean more than a hundred dollars), gives you 1 USD for referring people into the trap, Pays 10 USD per ad clicked, offers 50 USD just for a signup, offers to pay 500 USD for an upgrade, and they promise to give you 10% bonus earnings from your referral. Your minimum cashout is 20,000 USD, and they say that it's easy to reach. Moreover, they also say that you can make money safely, legitimately, and easily. Well, considering the conditions they provided, I say do not take their word for it! Who are they fooling anyway? We know for a fact that offers like these are empty! And in case, you didn't notice, they don't have advertisers who finances their campaign, so where are they getting the money they use to pay the members? That's the big question!
They have Testimonies! Not..
They have a few Pay statements on their site to prove themselves legitimate, yeah right.. I could create fake account statements with Adobe Photoshop if I want to.. On top of that, these are not statements submitted by the members, but statements created by the scam artists of the site, and the funny thing is, they say that they had paid thousands of members, when all they could provide are a few of it.
Friday, May 9, 2008
PlusBux found a Sponsor
Yesterday, we read the admin's announcement regarding PlusBux's auction, but to our surprise, the admin announced today that they had found a sponsor, and that they are going to continue the PTC business. This was kind of fast as they had found it just overnight, considering how difficult it is. This shows that PlusBux's administrators are really dedicated to the business, however, this does not guarantee that the business will stay. PlusBux still had to deal with a lot of problems, including competition, and hopefully, their admin team could handle the load. So far, they had proven how well they could handle the business, but the question is, can they do it again? Well, let's give them a chance..
Currently, PlusBux is installing a new script on their site, they promise to show more features in a few days to come.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
PlusBux for sale!
The high earner (0.15 cent per ad clicked) site PlusBux is currently for sale, following a recent problem with Alertpay, where their account stood frozen, and thus, were forced to verify.
The admin of PlusBux had spoken on their forum and said that the move of selling the site was to prevent their members from losing their money. They also apologized for their mistake with Alertpay. We don't exactly understand what they mean by this, but it appears that PlusBux was at odds with the said Account Processor.
Less Ads at PlusBux
During our stay on the site as a clicker, we notice that the site only had some few ads to click, we immediately thought that the site was on a verge of collapse, but we dismissed that thought since PlusBux was a new site and had proven itself capable of paying its members, evidenced by a dozen of testimonies. Moreover, we were a regular member so we really can't expect to see a lot of ads with this status, but as weeks go by, PlusBux was gradually showing its condition, and it's really getting worser. And now, with the Alertpay problem, the site is doomed!
The growing competition among PTC businesses has really heated up, this is really survival of the fittest. New sites keep on appearing and another one disappears. We could only wonder which PTC site would stand out till the end. As for PlusBux, we're sorry to say, but let's face it.. it had bitten the dust.
Monday, May 5, 2008 More Pharmacy Express Bogus
OK, let's pretend to as if don't know that this crap for a site is scam. Come on, promoting their business through spam? What legit can come out from it? Pharmacy Express has been branded as scam for a long time already for spamming and scamming, claiming to be approved by the FDA when they are not, yet, this crap doesn't even know when to cease on existing.
One of their dummy url is, from the name itself, it does sound like gibberish, yet, know that some people still keep on falling for it, and helps financing these suckers.. better spread the word on this to stop these kind of nonsense once and for all.
Site Information
Domain Name:
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-01-09
Creation Date: 2008-01-09
Last Update Date: 2008-04-17
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: Taiwan
Website Status: inactive
Cache Date: 2008-05-05 08:08:49 MST
Compare Archived Data: 2008-04-18
This is the true source of the scam, not Canada. If we don't know geography, then maybe we should start considering that Canada does exist in Taiwan or in any part of Asia. Filthy scammers!
Bux3 is gone?
Bux3, the site reputed to be one of the leading PTC sites today mysteriously vanish without any word. We currently don't have any idea regarding its disappearance, but we believe that the site had only some site maintenance problems, which hopefully would get fix soon enough.
All the Bux3 sister sites that share the same server with Bux3 is currently down, including the forums. The site once access returns an invalid response that makes it inaccessible to web browsers. Bux3 had been one of the largest PTC sites out there and it's unlikely that it would go down without any struggles, that's we believe at least, but we'll only find the truth with it returns.
Sunday, May 4, 2008 No pay to read Emails
Adsneed is one of those non-paying PTR (Paid to Read Emails) sites that's still online today, but had long died out from the competition. Of course, who would patronize scam anyway? And that is why scam sites always lose the war.
This site offers to pay 1-2 cents per read email, this is a high offer if you'll ask me. So far the highest offer a site could give per email is 1 cent, but this site definitely breaks the norms. Moreover, this site also seems to lack a TOS (Terms of Service) for it to be legit.
Adsneed is currently under blacklist, and you can find them on most PTC/PTR clickers scam list. The site now fails to thrive because of this boycott.
Saturday, May 3, 2008 Scientific name for Canadian Pharmacy Scam
The #1 Internet Online Scam is at it again with another domain name to cloak its malicious intention. The name is PhraseAtom, and while it may sound scientific, it's actually just another dummy domain name for Canadian Pharmacy, an online scam that disguises itself as a store that have been branded as scam by the Internet Community. Do not buy anything from this scam!
Site Info
Domain Name:
Status: ok
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Expiration Date: 2009-04-25
Creation Date: 2008-04-25
Last Update Date: 2008-04-25
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: United States
Website Status: inactive
Cache Date: 2008-05-04 00:42:33 MST
Compare Archived Data: 2008-05-01
Hosted on Xinnet also. The host has been reported as a frequent host of scam sites. spams
Another loser has thrown spam mails on the Internet, this time, a mail that redirects you to's malicious links. This is what the mail looks like...
I knew as soon as I opened the mail that it was a trap, seeing how good it excites my curiosity, nevertheless, I was curious and wanted to open it so badly in order to find out what's the link for, however, before doing anything stupid, I activated my PC's defenses just to be on the safe side. With all set, I ventured into the spam link..
The link redirected me to a page that further redirects me to a page that loads a trojan injector, identified as Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.nvk by Kaspersky Internet Security Suite. My computer attempted to download a .exe file that has undefined purpose. See picture below..
I dare not install the file anymore, but judging on how the spammer wanted it on your computer so badly could tell you that the spammer is up to no good.
Now note that viruses like these could damage your computer, but it's better compared to a virus that steals your personal information, as this could often lead to your account being hacked by unknown individuals.
Further Site Details
Domain Name:
Registrar: Tucows Inc. (R11-LROR)
Expiration Date: 2010-12-22 18:05:39
Creation Date: 2000-12-22 18:05:39
Last Update Date: 2008-04-11 00:00:08
Name Servers:
Extended Info
IP Address:
IP Location: United States
Website Status: active
Server Type: Apache
Alexa Trend/Rank: 1 Month: 243 3 Month: 235
Page Views per Visit: 1 Month: 6.8 3 Month: 7.2
Cache Date: 2008-05-02 17:14:13 MST
Compare Archived Data: 2007-05-11
The site has a good front, but with something evil inside.. I suggest you stay away from this site.. Realistic PTC Scam
While other scam sites uses delusional tactics to scam people, AdsBux uses realistic approaches. This site is the same as the common PTC sites today, with a $0.01 pay to click offer, and a referral earning bonus, unfortunately, it's nothing compared to legitimate PTC sites, because while the legit ones pay, this one don't. And in case, you didn't notice, this site don't even have a TOS. So don't wonder why they don't have one, you see, not having it means no liability.
AdsBux is among those sites that are subject to fall, for while legitimate sites thrive, this site gets left behind. This has always been the fate of those who can't do honest business, and as the saying goes.. good begets good, bad begets bad.
Scam Reports on this site
There were people reporting this site as a non-paying (scam) site. From what we've read, this site, at first, gives you ads to click, however, as you are about to reach payout, they start to limit the number of ads available on the site, making it impossible for you to reach payout. Moreover, we never seen not a single individual paid by this site. To top it all, this site is found on almost everyone's scam list.
Friday, May 2, 2008
AdverBux is back!
AdverBux is now back in business, this time, on a more powerful server. Unfortunately, while the problem with the DOS attack was solve, the site had suffered damages on its database, resulting in account deletions. The admin, SeanyBob, ask every AdverBux member who lost their account to re-register and to contact him. He will try to restore all lost earnings, and referrals.
According to SeanyBob, the DOS attack had been planned well by skillful hackers, and it originated from China. It's possible that the hackers were trying to hack the site of funds. Now, we don't know if there were funds stolen from the site, but so far, we didn't hear/read SeanyBob mention anything about it. And, as a result of this incident, AdverBux was forced to enforce Country Limitations. The site is now only open to United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada users. Thanks to the losers who tried to hack the site, AdverBux has now closed its doors to other countries, most especially to China!
Thursday, May 1, 2008 Get Scam and Trojan for Free!
Among the sites that you should avoid is This site not only boast obnoxious offers, but also adopts a Trojan ( -Kaspersky); reserved just for the unwary visitors. The clown behind this site is a generous one I must say, imagine, you not only get scammed for joining the site, you also get a bonus virus infection. Heh heh heh... (evil laugh).
It's 100% Scam
You may ask, on what grounds am I saying this? For grounds, I could cite the dog (virus) on its very doorstep that's offering you a nice bite in the butt. Then they offer some deals that could reach the peak of Mt. Everest, when in reality, the site don't even have the capacity to pay you a penny. Moreover, if you search the net about this site, you'll almost find them in everyone's scam list. Now, how's that for grounds?
Skip this one and you'll be glad you did it!
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